Inspiration comes from all sorts of places and all sorts of times. We had barely closed on our building and were in a hardware store for something totally unrelated when I saw an entry door. I looked at the door and just liked something about it. I had no real reason for getting that door, nor was I even looking for a door, but we ordered it because we did need a door.
The coloring of the door wasn't your traditional red (a red door is believed to ward out evil), but had a reddish orange tone to it, which I thought would harmonize with an old brick tone. I wasn't sure if it would look nice with the building, but still I liked it and the dimensions would probably fit the boarded up opening. This door had a stained glass sort of insert with rose or burgundy colored design (depending on how the light hits it), which gave me my idea. From there, I new what I wanted to have on the inside of that door and it all fell into place.

I'm very fortunate to have the husband I have. I was even more fortunate that he had the capability to do the things he did with this place. That isn't what makes me lucky, though. I'm lucky he encourages my random ideas and supports them. With a little tweaking here and there, our ideas fit together, the same way he made that door fit. It's the little things, like buying a door without knowing any specifics, and basing an entire project around it that makes this so interesting. It's like looking at the world through a rose colored glass panel.
It looks really good, and yes you are very fortunate to have your husband. The tiles in the entry way look like they match perfectly!